Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Secret, marketing, 4-hour workweek

Money, money! Success! There's no shortage of books, seminars and workshops to guide us, for  a fee of course. From Robert Kiyosaki's investment books (Rich dad, poor dad) to Timothy Ferriss' book 'The 4-hour Workweek', promises are made.

I have never read Timothy's book, but read what another reader has to say:

Timothy also recently came out with a book entitled "The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman". In the book, he claims to have out on over 30 pounds of muscle in about one month... Hmm, sounds like some outlandish claim, unless you're using steroids! But if you check Timothy's website photo, he doesn't look that huge...
Read what Christian Finn, fitness expert, has to say:

For those in the management and corporate world, there's no shortage too of "THE best" new technique to implement, etc... though it's perhaps fairer to call them fads, rather than hype. Think TQM, six sigma, change management, etc.
For a balanced view, read Robert Bacal's, psychology expert's comments:

Take home point - read books with a pinch of salt. To sell books, seminars and workshops, controversial headlines are needed and sometimes publicity stunts too... So buyer beware!

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